- Modules
- Multiplayer
- Lobbies
Public Scripts
Scripts that are accessible to game clients and can be called directly via the generated SDK endpoints.
Create Lobbycreate
Creates a new lobby on-demand.
Destroy Lobbydestroy
Destroys an existing lobby.
Find Or Create Lobbyfind_or_create
Finds a lobby or creates one if there are no available spots for players.
Join Lobbyjoin
Add a player to an existing lobby.
List Lobbieslist
List & query all lobbies.
Set Lobby Readyset_lobby_ready
Called on lobby startup after initiation to notify it can start accepting player. This should be called after operations like loading maps are complete.
Set Player Connectedset_player_connected
Called when a player connects to the lobby.
Set Player Disconnectedset_player_disconnected
Called when a player disconnects from the lobby.
Find Lobbyfind
Finds an existing lobby with a given query. This will not create a new lobby, see find_or_create
Fetch Lobby Manager Statefetch_lobby_manager_state
See full state of the lobby manager for debugging.
Reset Lobby Manager Statereset_lobby_manager_state
Reset lobby manager state. For debugging only.
Private Scripts
Scripts that are only accessible within the backend and cannot be called directly by game clients.