Build with Actors


Actor state provides the best of both worlds: it's stored in-memory and persisted automatically. This lets you work with the data without added latency while still being able to survive crashes & upgrades.

State Storage Options

There are multiple ways of storing the state of an actor.

StateAPIUse case
Native Statethis._stateSimple data structures & prototyping
Local Key-Value Statethis._kvComplex data structures & datasets that cannot fit in memory

Native state and local key-value state can be used together side-by-side without issue.

Both state options have roughly the same performance.

State Isolation

Each actor's state is completely isolated, meaning it cannot be accessed directly by other actors or clients. This allows actors to maintain a high level of security and data integrity, ensuring that state changes are controlled and predictable

To interact with an actor's state, you must use Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). RPCs provide a controlled way to read from and write to the state.

Shared State

If you need a shared state between multiple actors, you have two options:

  1. Create an actor that holds the shared state that actors can make RPCs to
  2. Use an external database, see External SQL Databases

Native State

Native state is a native JavaScript object stored in-memory on this._state. This makes building realtime & stateful applications as simple as working with native JavaScript objects.

Initializing & Updating State

Actors with native state require an _initializeState method. The object returned will be automatically persisted and assigned to this._state. _initializeState is only called once when the actor is created. See Lifecycle for more details.

To update state, assign or update this._state. Any modifications will be automatically persisted.

For example:

// Define the state's structure
interface State {
	count: number;

export default class Counter extends Actor<State> {
	// Automatically called the first time the actor is created
	_onInitialize(): State {
		// Initialize the state with a count of 0
		return { count: 0 };

	// Define RPC call to update state
	increment(rpc: Rpc<Counter>) {
		// Update state, this will automatically be persisted
		this._state.count += 1;

State Saves

Rivet automatically handles persisting state transparently. This happens at the end of every remote procedure call if the state has changed.

In the rare occasion you need to force a state change mid-RPC, you can use _saveState. This should only be used if your remote procedure call makes an important state change that needs to be persisted before the RPC exits.


State is constrained to the available memory (see limitations). For larger datasets, use local KV.

Only JSON-serializable types can be stored in state. State is persisted under the hood in a compact, binary format. This is because JavaScript classes cannot be serialized & deserialized.


To debug state, you can use visit the Rivet dashboard and view the state of each actor. This can be useful for understanding the current state of an actor and diagnosing issues. You can also override the method that's used to preview the state in the dashboard. Make sure to not exceed the maximum size of 125MB for the state preview.

export default class Counter extends Actor<State> {
	// Override the method used to inspect the state
	override _inspectState() {
		return { 
			count: this._state.count, 
			custom: "value", 
			nested: { key: "value" } 

Local Key-Value State

KV state is used for storing complex or large datasets that cannot fit into memory. You can access local KV using this._kv. The KV data is isolated to this actor and cannot be accessed from outside of it.


Keys used for KV storage can be any JavaScript type that can be cloned via the structured clone algorithm:

Keys can be organized as arrays to simplify usage and enhance security for applications with complex data structures. For example:

await this._kv.put(["user", "kacper", "inventory"] /* ... */);
await this._kv.put(["user", "kacper", "stats"] /* ... */);
await this._kv.put(["user", "kacper", "paymentMethod"] /* ... */);

It is strongly advised to always use structured keys instead of manually building strings yourself to reduce possible attack vectors from end-users:


// Set the inventory for "nicholas" without structured keys
await this._kv.put("user:nicholas:inventory", ["sword", "shield"]);

// Example attack: setting the username to this value lets us access the
// inventory of any user, which should otherwise be private.
let userName = "nicholas:inventory";

// Manually building keys without structured keys
let user = await this._kv.get(`user:${userName}`); // Gets user:nicholas:inventory

Note that single-value keys are automatically converted into single item lists for consistency:

// The same
await this._kv.get("my-key");
await this._kv.get(["my-key"]);


Values stored in the KV can be any JavaScript type which can be cloned via the structured clone algorithm.

KV stores native JavaScript values in a compact binary format so you don't need to write extra serialization & deserialization code.

Binary Data

To store raw binary data, it is recommended to set the format option in your KV operation to arrayBuffer and pass in an ArrayBuffer object. Alternatively, you can put an ArrayBuffer or Blob directly without changing the format but this has additional space overhead from the JS type system.

Listing & Sorting

Keys are automatically sorted in lexicographic order.

You can use this to list all values under a common prefix key:

// Add to the inventory
await this._kv.put(["users", "nathan", "inventory", "bread"], 3);
await this._kv.put(["users", "nathan", "inventory", "sword"], 1);

// Fetch all items in a user's inventory
await this._kv.list({
	prefix: ["users", "nathan", "inventory"],
// Returns:
// {
//   ["users", "nathan", "inventory", "bread"]: 3
//   ["users", "nathan", "inventory", "sword"]: 1,
// }

Keys are automatically sorted, enabling you to create ordered lists. These ordered lists can scale to millions of entries. For example:

// Submit scores
await this._kv.put(["leaderboard", 42], { username: "ptato", date: });
await this._kv.put(["leaderboard", 88], { username: "jog1t", date: });
await this._kv.put(["leaderboard", 60], { username: "nicholas", date: });

// Returns 88, 60, 42 sorted in descending order
await this._kv.list({
	prefix: ["leaderboard"],
	reverse: true,

You can also list a subset of keys, which is useful for pagination:

// Fetch all users with usernames that start with "k" through "s"
// (note that the end is exclusive, so "t" is not included)
await this._kv.list({
	start: ["users", "k"],
	end: ["users", "t"],


Raw KV operations can be called via this._kv.

get(key, opts)Retrieves a value from the key-value store.Documentation
getBatch(keys, opts)Retrieves a batch of key-value pairs.Documentation
list(opts)Retrieves all key-value pairs in the KV store. Uses lexicographic order for filtering.Documentation
put(key, value, opts)Stores a key-value pair in the key-value store.Documentation
putBatch(obj, opts)Stores a batch of key-value pairs.Documentation
delete(key)Deletes a key-value pair from the key-value store.Documentation
deleteBatch(keys)Deletes a batch of key-value pairs from the key-value store.Documentation
deleteAll()Deletes all data from the key-value store. This CANNOT be undone.Documentation


See limitations.

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