Build with Actors


Events are used for clients to receive realtime data from actors.

Publishing from actors

Actors can publish events to clients using this._broadcast and connection.send.

Broadcasting events

Actors can publish events to all connected clients with this._broadcast(name, data). For example:

export default class ChatRoom extends Actor {
  sendMessage(rpc: Rpc<ChatRoom>, message: string) {
    this._broadcast('newMessage', { message });

Sending events to specific connections

Actors can send messages to specific client connections. All connections are available on the this._connections array. For example:

export default class ChatRoom extends Actor {
  sendPrivateMessage(rpc: Rpc<ChatRoom>, connectionId: number, message: string) {
    const conn = this._connections.find(c => == connectionId);
    conn.send('newMessage', { message });

Subscribing from clients

Clients can subscribe to events from actors using on and once.

on(eventName, callback)


Clients can subscribe to events that will happen repeatedly using actor.on(name, callback). For example:

const actor = client.get<ChatRoom>({ name: 'chat_room' });
actor.on('newMessage', ({ message }) => {
  console.log('Message', message);

once(eventName, callback)


Clients can listen for an event only one time with actor.once(name, callback). For example:

const actor = client.get<ChatRoom>({ name: 'chat_room' });
actor.once('joinRequestApproved', () => {
  // This will only be called once
  console.log('Join request accepted');
await actor.requestJoin();


Connections are used to communicate with clients from the actor.

Read more about connections here.

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