

Actors provide a built-in way to log complex data to the console.

When dealing with lots of data, console.log often doesn't cut it. Using this._log allows you to log complex data using structured logging.

Log levels

There are 5 log levels:

Criticalthis._log.critical(message, ...args);Severe errors that prevent core functionality
Errorthis._log.error(message, ...args);Errors that affect functionality but allow continued operation
Warningthis._log.warn(message, ...args);Potentially harmful situations that should be addressed, ...args);General information about significant events & state changes
Debugthis._log.debug(message, ...args);Detailed debugging information, usually used only in development

Structured logging

The built-in logging API (using this._log) provides structured logging to let you log key-value pairs instead of raw strings. Structures logs are readable by both machines & humans to make them easier to parse & search.

Passing an object to a log will print as structured data. For example:'increment', { connection:, count });
// Prints: level=INFO msg=increment connection=123 count=456

The first parameter in each log method is the message. The rest of the arguments are used for structured logging.

this._log vs console.log logging

this._log makes it easier to manage complex logs, while console.log can become unmaintainable at scale.

Consider this example:

export default class Counter extends Actor<State> {
  increment(rpc: Rpc<Counter>, count: number): number {
    // Prints: level=INFO msg=increment connection=123 count=456'increment', { connection:, count });

    this._state.count += count;
    return this._state.count;

  // ...etc...

If you need to search through a lot of logs, it's easier to read the structured logs. To find increments for a single connection, you can search connection=123.

Additionally, structured logs can be parsed and queried at scale using tools like Elasticsearch, Loki, or Datadog. For example, you can parse the log level=INFO msg=increment connection=123 count=456 in to the JSON object {"level":"INFO","msg":"increment","connection":123,"count":456} and then query it as you would any other structured data.

Configuring logging

The Rivet logging API is powered by the @std/log package.

By default, logs are printed in logfmt format for a balance between machine & human readability. To configure the logging format yourself, you can call the setup function in _onStart.

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