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How are actors different from containers and servers?

Servers and containers and actors handle state and compute very differently:

FeatureServers and ContainersActors
Compute and StateSeparate compute (application layer) from state (databases)Keep state and compute together
ScalingNeed external services (load balancers, databases) to scaleCheaper & automatically distribute load
PerformancePerformance can be limited by network latency & complex locking mechanismsOptimized performance by co-locating compute and state
LatencyTypically higher latency due to centralized data centers & databaseLower latency by deploying at the edge, closer to users
High AvailabilityNeed manual configuration for high availability and fault toleranceProvide built-in durability for crashes and fault isolation to prevent cascading failures
Resource EfficiencyRun continuously regardless of load, wasting resources when idleAutomatically sleep when inactive and wake instantly when needed
DevOps OverheadRequires significant DevOps effort for setup and maintenanceMinimal DevOps overhead due to simpler, on-demand architecture

Can I use Rivet Actors with my existing database?


Rivet Actors behaves similar to serverless platform (e.g. Lambda, Vercel Functions, etc.) and connect directly to your database. This is common for developers who need to work with relational data in conjunction with realtime functionality.

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