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Durability & Rescheduling

Through rescheduling, durable actors can be shut down and brought up again while automatically persisting state.

Enabling Durability

Rescheduling can be enabled by setting the lifecycle.durable property:

const actor = await rivet.actors.create({
  // ...
  lifecycle: { durable: true }

Graceful Shutdowns & Kill Timeout

A custom kill timeout can be configured with:

const actor = await rivet.actors.create({
  // ...
  lifecycle: {
    durable: true,
    killTimeout: 60_000,  // 60 seconds

Before your actor exits, it will receive a SIGTERM signal. Your actor should manually exit when cleanup is complete. If it does not exit within that time period, the actor will be forcibly shut down.

Rescheduling Behavior

Automatic Rescheduling

Automatic rescheduling occurs from the following triggers:

  • The actor stopped with a non-zero exit code (e.g. Deno.exit(1))
  • The node crashes or becomes unresponsive for any reason
  • The node that the actor is allocated to is upgrading and has finished draining

Actors that stop with a 0 exit code are considered "completed" and will not be rescheduled.

Only actors that are marked as "durable" are automatically rescheduled.

Manual Rescheduling

Manual rescheduling occurs when the user upgrades an actor with a new build, causing the actor to restart.

Networking Reschedule Behavior

Rivet Guard port routing

Actors will be accessible via the same address upon reschedule when using Rivet Guard port routing. Clients do not need to handle rescheduling in any special way.

Host port routing

Rescheduling does not guarantee that the actor will be re-allocated to the same node, only the same datacenter. This means the IP address & port of the actor is likely to change after a reschedule.

All port mappings will be reset every time the actor is rescheduled. When using host ports, make sure to always read the appropriate env vars to determine which ports are open to the actor.

Read more about host networking here.

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