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The Rivet Command Line Interface (CLI) provides a set of tools for deploying, managing, and monitoring your Rivet applications.


For installation instructions, see Install.


$ rivet --help
Usage: rivet <COMMAND>

  login        Login to a project
  logout       Logout from a project
  deploy       Deploy a build to a specific environment
  publish      Publish a new build from local files or a Docker image
  environment  Commands for managing environments
  project      Commands for managing projects
  actor        Commands for managing actors
  build        Commands for managing builds
  region       Commands for managing regions
  config       Commands for managing Rivet configuration
  metadata     Commands for retrieving metadata about Rivet configuration
  shell        Launch an interactive shell with Rivet environment variables
  view         Open the environment dashboard in a browser (alias of `environment view`)
  help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

Common Commands

Deploy & Publish

Command Line
# Deploy your configuration to development environment
rivet deploy

# Deploy to a specific environment
rivet deploy --environment prod

# Publish a JavaScript actor build
rivet build publish my-build-name ./path/to/script.js

# Publish a Docker image
rivet build publish my-build-name ./Dockerfile

Actor Management

Command Line
# List all actors
rivet actor list

# Get details about a specific actor
rivet actor get my-actor-id

# View actor logs
rivet actor logs my-actor-id

# View actor logs (no follow)
rivet actor logs --no-follow my-actor-id

# Destroy an actor
rivet actor destroy my-actor-id

Environment Management

Command Line
# List environments
rivet environment list

# Select default environment (interactive)
rivet environment select

# Select default environment
rivet environment select prod

# Open dashboard in browser
rivet environment view

Configuration with Environment Variables

Rivet CLI can be configured using the following environment variables:

  • RIVET_CLOUD_TOKEN - See tokens documentation on instructions on how to create a cloud token
  • RIVET_ENDPOINT - Custom API endpoint (for self-hosted or enterprise instances)

CI/CD Integration

Rivet CLI is designed to work seamlessly in CI/CD pipelines:

Command Line
export RIVET_CLOUD_TOKEN="your-cloud-token"

# Example: Deploy rivet.json
rivet deploy --environment prod

# Example: deploy a JavaScript script to production
rivet build publish --environment prod my-build ./src/actor.js

# Example: deploy a Dockerfile to production
rivet build publish --environment prod my-build docker://my-image:latest

Advanced Usage


Rivet offers a convenient shell utility to simplify token management. The rivet shell command automatically generates a token and populates common environment variables for you.

For example:

Command Line
# Open an interactive shell with populated environment variables
rivet shell

# Run a specific command with populated environment variables
rivet shell -e 'node my-script.js'

# Example: check environment variables
rivet shell -e 'env | grep RIVET'

The Rivet shell automatically populates the following environment variables:

  • RIVET_ENDPOINT - The API endpoint URL for your Rivet instance
  • RIVET_SERVICE_TOKEN - Authentication token for accessing Rivet services
  • RIVET_PROJECT - The current project identifier
  • RIVET_ENVIRONMENT - The current environment name (e.g., dev, prod)

This is especially helpful for running tests or development tools that interact with Rivet.

Working with Metadata

Command Line
# Get information about the current configuration
rivet metadata api-endpoint
rivet metadata access-token
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