Getting Started

Initial Setup

This guide will walk you through creating, deploying, and connecting to a simple Rivet Actor.

Read Introduction to Rivet for an overview of the tool, or read What are Actors? for more information on building actors.

Install CLI

curl -fsSL | sh
Command Line

Initialize Project

Create a new project:

rivet init
Command Line

Follow the instructions to setup your project.

This will create a few files:

rivet.json[c]This configures how your app is deployed to Rivet.
deno.json[c]This defines the packages that your project depends on.
counter.tsThis is a simple example actor that counts over RPC. This will be deployed in the next step.
counter_test.tsThis will be used to test the actor was deployed successfully in the next step. This file can be safely deleted if you would like.

Deploy project

Deploy your project to Rivet with:

rivet deploy
Command Line

Test actor

To test the actor can be created & connected to, run:

rivet deno run -A counter_test.ts
Command Line

You can visit the Rivet Hub to see the actor you created.

Setup your editor/IDE (optional)

Rivet actors run on the Deno runtime. Read their guide on how to configure your IDE here.

Next steps: setup client to connect to actor

Now that you have an actor deployed, you can integrate the Rivet client in to your application.

Follow the appropriate guide for your language: