💥 Tanks (Canvas, Socket.io)


The following guide will walk you through integrating and deploying a game with Rivet.

Step 1: Setup project

Run the following to clone the repository and start the server:

git clone -b pre-rivet https://github.com/rivet-gg/examples
cd javascript/tanks-socketio-canvas
npm run start
Command Line

This will open your browser to http://localhost:8080. Verify the game works.

Initialize project

Run the following command to setup your project:

rivet init --html5
Command Line

Update the config

You can configure your game's Rivet config in the created rivet.yaml file. For the purposes of this demo, you can copy and paste this config into your file:

  start: npm run start

# How the game lobbies run and how players connect to the game.
# https://docs.rivet.gg/matchmaker/introduction
  # How many players can join a specific lobby.
  # Read more about matchmaking: https://docs.rivet.gg/matchmaker/concepts/finding-lobby
  max_players: 32

  # The hardware to provide for lobbies.
  # Available tiers: https://docs.rivet.gg/serverless-lobbies/concepts/available-tiers
  tier: basic-1d1

# Which regions the game should be available in.
# Available regions: https://docs.rivet.gg/serverless-lobbies/concepts/available-regions
    atl: {}
    fra: {}

  # Runtime configuration for the lobby's Docker container.
    # If you're unfamiliar with Docker, here's how to write your own
    # Dockerfile:
    # https://docker-curriculum.com/#dockerfile
    dockerfile: Dockerfile

    # Which ports to allow players to connect to. Multiple ports can be defined
    # with different protocols.
    # How ports work: https://docs.rivet.gg/serverless-lobbies/concepts/ports
        port: 3000

  # What game modes are available.
  # Properties like `max_players`, `tier`, `dockerfile`, `regions`, and more can
  # be overridden for specific game modes.
    default: {}

# How Rivet CDN should host your static assets on our CDN.
# https://docs.rivet.gg/cdn/introduction
  # Command to run before uploading the site to Rivet. This can be used to
  # build any JavaScript bundles or generate assets.
  build_command: npm install && npm run build:client:prod

  # The folder to upload to Rivet.
  # If you're hosting a website, ensure that `index.html` is in the root of
  # this folder.
  build_output: ./dist/

kv: {}

identity: {}

Step 2: Integrate Rivet Matchmaker

Install @rivet-gg/api

Run the following to install the library to interact with Rivet:

npm i @rivet-gg/api --save
Command Line

Update the client

Add the following to the top of client/Client.ts:

import { RivetClient } from '@rivet-gg/api';
const RIVET = new RivetClient({ token: process.env.RIVET_TOKEN });

Find the connect function in client/Client.ts and replace it with the following:

async function connect(client: Client) {
  // Find a lobby to connect to on Rivet
  let res = await RIVET.matchmaker.lobbies.find({ gameModes: ['default'] });
  let port = res.ports['default'];

  // Open a new connection to the lobby
  client.connection = new Connection(client, port.isTls, port.host, {
    token: res.player.token

Update the server

Add the following to the top of server/index.ts:

import { RivetClient } from '@rivet-gg/api';
const RIVET = new RivetClient({ token: process.env.RIVET_TOKEN });

// Notify Rivet that this lobby is ready to accept players

Find the setupConnection function in server/index.ts and replace it with the following:

async function setupConnection(socket: Socket) {
  // Read the token passed to the socket query
  let playerToken = socket.handshake.query.token as string;

  // Validate the player token with the matchmaker
  await RIVET.matchmaker.players.connected({ playerToken });

  // Remove the player when disconnected
  socket.on('disconnect', () => RIVET.matchmaker.players.disconnected({ playerToken }));

  new Connection(game, socket);

Run with Rivet

Finally, after stopping the previous npm run start, run rivet run start and validate the game still connects.

Step 3: Deploy to Rivet

Now that you managed to get the game running locally, you can deploy your game to Rivet with:

rivet deploy prod
Command Line

The CLI will print a link ending in rivet.game. Share the link with a friend to play your game on Rivet! 🎉

Rivet Successful deployment