Publish to Registry

To publish your module to the module registry, follow these steps:


Fork & clone the repository

  1. Go to the modules repository
  2. Click the "Fork" button in the top right to create a copy of the repo in your own GitHub account
  3. Clone your forked repo locally (more info)

Add your module

  1. Add your module code under a new folder for your module under the modules/ directory.g. modules/my_module. For example:

    modules/my_module/ ├── module.json └── scripts/ ├── fetch.ts └── ...
  2. Commit your changes using Conventional Commits

    • Include the module name in parenthesis after the commit message, e.g. feat(my_module): add new script
  3. Push your changes to your forked repo (more info)

Open a pull request

Open a pull request against the upstream rivet-gg/modules repo (see GitHub's guide on creating a pull request)

Rivet will review your PR.

Release Checklist

Before publishing your module, make sure your module passes all the required checks:

  • All tests pass (rivet test)
  • All required metadata are filled out in the module.json:
    • status: The status of the module
    • name: The human readable name of the module
    • description: A short description of the module
    • icon: The Font Awesome icon name of the module
    • tags: The tags associated with this module
    • authors: The GitHub handle of the authors of the module
    • errors: The errors associated with this module (required)
    • See module config for more details
  • All exposed scripts have names & descriptions
  • Custom errors thrown by the module have names and descriptions

Alternative: Hosting Your Own Registry

You can also host your own module registry. This allows you to maintain complete control over your published modules.