Config (module.json)


  • status
    optional union of literals

    The status of the module.

  • name
    optional string

    The human readable name of the module.

  • description
    optional string

    A short description of the module.

  • icon
    optional string

    The Font Awesome icon name of the module.

  • tags
    optional array of strings

    The tags associated with this module.

  • authors
    optional array of strings

    The GitHub handle of the authors of the module.

  • scripts
    optional record of objects

    The scripts associated with this module.

      optional string

      The human readable name of the script.

    • scripts.description
      optional string

      A short description of the script.

    • scripts.public

      If the script can be called from the public HTTP interface.

  • actors
    optional record of objects

    The actors associated with this module.

    • actors.storageAlias
      optional string

      Used to keep actor IDs the same in case the actor name changes.

  • routes
    optional record of union of objectss

    The routes associated with this module.

  • errors
    record of objects

    The errors associated with this module.

      optional string

      The human readable name of the error.

    • errors.description
      optional string

      A short description of the error.

    • errors.internal

      If the error should only be shown internally.

  • dependencies
    optional record of empty objects

    The dependencies of this module.

  • defaultConfig
    optional record of objects

    Default user config.