⏱️ Crash Course

This guide will walk you through creating and deploying a multiplayer game with Godot 4.2.

If you are using Godot 4.1/4.0/3.x, please be aware that some details may be different.


Godot provides great multiplayer capabilities out of the box. We'll be using Godot's built-in networking along with Rivet's Godot plugin to build a server-authoritative multiplayer game on top of Rivet.

Godot supports ENet, WebSocket, and WebRTC transports. We'll be using ENet for this tutorial, but it's easy to swap out.

Step 1: Set up the Rivet Godot plugin

Follow the instructions on the Rivet Godot plugin repository to install the plugin. Once the plugin is open, sign in to link your game to Rivet.

Step 2: Update game code

Add the following code to the relevant places.

Add this code to where the game is started:

func _ready():

Add this code wherever the server is started. This function name needs to match the one used in the RivetHelper.start_server.connect call above.

func start_server():
	peer = ENetMultiplayerPeer.new()
	peer.create_server(DEFAULT_PORT, MAX_PEERS)
	await Rivet.matchmaker.lobbies.ready({})

This is an example of how a lobby can be found and joined:

func join_game(new_player_name):
	player_name = new_player_name

	var response = await Rivet.matchmaker.lobbies.find({
		"game_modes": ["default"]

	if response.result == OK:

		var port = response.body.ports.default

		peer = ENetMultiplayerPeer.new()
		peer.create_client(port.hostname, port.port)

Step 3: Deploy to Rivet

Configure Rivet

Copy the following to rivet.yaml:


  max_players: 12

    sfo: {}
    fra: {}

    dockerfile: "Dockerfile"
        port: 10567
        protocol: "udp"

    default: {}

You can find more information about the Rivet config file in our documentation.

Write Dockerfile

Write the following Dockerfile

FROM ghcr.io/rivet-gg/images/godot:4.2 AS builder
COPY . .
RUN mkdir -p build/linux \
    && godot -v --export-release "Linux/X11" --headless ./build/linux/game.x86_64

FROM ubuntu:22.04
RUN apt update -y \
    && apt install -y expect-dev \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
COPY --from=builder /app/build/linux/ /app

# Unbuffer output so the logs get flushed
CMD ["sh", "-c", "unbuffer /app/game.x86_64 --verbose --headless -- --server | cat"]

Deploy game

In the Rivet plugin, we can go to the deploy tab, and select "Staging" from the dropdown. Then, click "Build & Deploy". This will build the Dockerfile we just created, and upload the Docker image to Rivet's servers.

Deploy game client

Now that we've deployed the game to Rivet, we can build a version of our game that will be able to connect to Rivet. We can do this either through Godot's export system, or by running the game from the editor. Both are configured to get access to the tokens they need for the namespace you have set.

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Open-source multiplayer infrastructure. Easy, flexible, and affordable.

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