

Creates a development token for the given namespace.

Code Examples

# Write the request body to body.json before running
curl -X POST -d '@body.json' '{game_id}/namespaces/{namespace_id}/tokens/development'

Request Parameters


required path parameter


required path parameter

Request Body

  • hostname

    The hostname used for the token.

  • ports
    union of empty object and object
      • ports.port
      • ports.port_range

        Range of ports that can be connected to. If configured, network_mode must equal host. Port ranges may overlap between containers, it is the responsibility of the developer to ensure ports are available before using. Read more about host networking here. Only available on Rivet Open Source & Enterprise.


        • cloud.version.matchmaker.PortProtocol
        • cloud.version.matchmaker.ProxyKind
        • ports.port_range.min

          Unsigned 32 bit integer.

        • ports.port_range.max

          Unsigned 32 bit integer.

      • ports.protocol

        Signifies the protocol of the port. Note that when proxying through GameGuard (via ProxyKind), the port number returned by /find, /join, and /create will not be the same as the port number configured in the config:

        • With HTTP, the port will always be 80. The hostname of the port correctly routes the incoming connection to the correct port being used by the game server.
        • With HTTPS, the port will always be 443. The hostname of the port correctly routes the incoming connection to the correct port being used by the game server.
        • Using TCP/UDP, the port will be a random number between 26000 and 31999. This gets automatically routed to the correct port being used by the game server.

        Related - cloud.version.matchmaker.GameModeRuntimeDockerPort - cloud.version.matchmaker.ProxyKind - /docs/dynamic-servers/concepts/game-guard - matchmaker.lobbies.find

  • lobby_ports
    any value

Response Body

  • token

    A JSON Web Token. Slightly modified to include a description prefix and use Protobufs of JSON.